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The Man Who
Was a Tree

By Goran Baba Ali

Release date: 29 October 2024

Binding           Paperback

Format            198 x 129 mm

Pages              320

Price                £ 13.99

ISBN                9781738555291

BIC 2.0             Modern & Contemporary

                          Fiction (FA)


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A street photographer is the first who sees in a dreamy, fuddled vision the creature by the side of a river at the outskirts of the city, starting him on an obsessive journey. This would enchain a series of events bringing the city into turmoil and change his own life.


This speculative thriller deals with the changes that took place after the 1991 uprising in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, in which a new generation was forced to watch their society transform without a voice. Like the Tree-Man, they were condemned to silence.



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